French Cuisine Everyday Cook

When it comes to getting complicated in the kitchen, the first cuisine novice cooks think of is French. Whether it is presentation or preparation, it always seems that our European food lovers always do it so fancy. If you love cooking and are looking to get into a little more exciting menu, French cuisine can be just the thing you need. Don't let this distinguished culinary culture with the complicated tongue twisting titles throw you off. You can have a terrific culinary experience and here is how.

* Invest in Some Good Tools

While you don't need to stock your kitchen with tons of expensive equipment. I few standard, quality tools can really improve you're chances of success. First and foremost, invest in a good chef's nice. A quality knife will slice, dice, carve, mince, and chop everything you need to get through a meal preparation. You may also want to invest in a smaller, paring knife for peeling or cutting small delicate vegetables or other ingredient.

Among other tools you should consider investing in are utensils like a wooden spoon and a whisk, as well as a garlic press, cheese grater, and a pepper mill. For those of you who really want to invest in quality kitchen gear, nothing can ever really take the place of an electric mixer and bowls.

* Use Quality Ingredients

When it comes to food preparation, the final product is only as good as the ingredients you put into it. If you cook with sub par or barely fresh veggies and meats, the taste is going to come tell that story. The same is true for extremely cheap spices and oils. It's not necessary to spend hundreds of dollars on only the finest, but it is a good idea to invest a few extra dollars into higher quality products like olive oil, garlic, cooking wines, and produce. If you wouldn't eat it or drink it you shouldn't cook with it.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

French cuisine should be simple and accessible to everyone. Boeuf Bourguignon, Quiche Lorraine,... Very easy recipes :)

French course