Cake Decorating Tips 2008

O.K let's say that you have been given the inspiration to have a go at some cake decoration in the kitchen. You have come to the decision that you want to bake and decorate your own cake from scratch. Perhaps you even thinking it's not going to be that difficult or complicated.

Before you know it you have told a few people that you are going to bake a cake. Filled with new found confidence you even promise to share your cake at dinner or to bring your creation to the next dinner party. Then the doubt sets in, but whatever you do don't panic.

The first time you bake and decorate your own cake, do it for yourself. It is best not to "give" your cake away to other people your after first attempt at baking a cake.

It's always best to avoid creating your first cake for some big or special occasion such as a birthday. All that happens is that you put yourself under undue pressure to produce the perfect cake.

Rule # 2 - Remember The Perfect Cake Does Not Exist

When you are starting out in the world of baking and cake decorating, you may begin to wonder why your first efforts are not perfect.

The heart of the matter is that the perfect cake does not exist. The different baking methods will not allow the perfect result.

Each time you bake a cake it will end up slighty irregular or a bit off. This cannoy be helped as the baking process cannot be predicted. Amateur and professional chefs alike all agree this is whet makes it so challenging, not to mention interesting and exciting.

Experienced pastry chefs all understand how to cover their tracks if the find their creations a bit irregular, they kmow that irregularities will happen.

Rule # 3 - Walk Before You Can Run With Your Confectionary Creation

Keep your first cake uncomplicated, do not try to make some sort of elaborate affair. This is very important and could save you a lot of frustration.

If you try to create something too elaborate for your first attempt You will just be setting yourself up for disappointment. Keep it simple with just a few little touches of decoration.

Decorating your cake simply is a good way to start out. You could use nuts, dried fruits and even edible flower petals, the secret is to keep things simple.

Rule # 4 - Look Through Books and Magazines For Inspiration

Looking through books and magazines can give you some inspiration for your first baking and cake decorating creation. Sometimes you can find all this information intimidating, just don't let it get to you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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